jeudi 9 août 2012

Mele A2000 custom

Now I want to customize the firmware. At least to start the HTPC in English, or French!
I tried the a10_flash_kitchen_v2 from this source: [TUTORIAL/DEV]Build AOSP Android 2.3.7 for Allwinner A10 tablets (Teclast P76Ti), but for Android 4.0, and without using AOSP (just a working image), and all from linux (with wine for windows programs).

At this stage, the modified firmware is generated, but does not load.
During SDCARD update process, normal led flash is followed by a rapid led flash and does not stop.

When I perform simg2img RFSFAT16_SYSTEM_000000000.fex system.ext4
I get this: "computed crc32 of 0x949435d7, expected 0x00000000"
Perhaps this is the root cause of my problems...

I followed more or less this tutorial:
How to build custom LiveSuit images for flashing internally to MK802 but without Windows except for the flashing utility (and even for that I used the PhoenixCard utility).
I converted the .bat scripts into shell scripts, but I think recent versions of wine are able to handle .bat files.

Based on this firmware named HTPC-Android4.0 - filename is android\ 4.0\ 软件.rar (I retrieved it from an alternate source, same name): Mele's Download Center

Since it fails, I need to wire the TTL-to-USB debug cable (I have a DKU-5 phone data cable that perfectly fits this usage).

To be continued...

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