OK, wired the serial TTL-to-USB line, only GND, Rx, Tx, paying attention to cross Rx/Tx lines:
And during the flash operation of my custom image, the last log lines are:
[ 130.560] normal type verify
[ 131.130] pc sum=0x17135c9f, check sum=0x17135c9f
[ 131.130] dl name = sysrecovery
[ 131.132] img size = 305738752
[ 131.136] part size = 536870912
[ 131.139] read start=34816
[ 131.142] write start=4630528
[ 203.602] dl name = UDISK
[ 203.603] sprite update error: fail to open part file DISKFS_000000000
[ 203.633] sprite update error: current card sprite failed
[ 203.640] now hold the machine
OK, missing UDISK (filename DISKFS_000000000)
Indeed, it does not appear in files/image.cfg from the a10_flash_kitchen_v2/packer_ics directory.
Now I need to repair that.
To be continued...
To be continued...
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