Original thread: Beta V2.0.4
From this thread, an update.zip is provided (you can download and install it via the system settings of the v2.0.3 firmware, but you will get the Chinese apps and default language).
I generated a customised en_US version: v2.0.4_en_US.img
Edit: md5sum 51b3ae29b4eb7938c87548600016ea6a v2.0.4_en_US.img
Edit: if you want a working Youtube you need the v4.1.23:
Edit: dd-able img: v2.0.4.ddimg.bz2
To burn it, just perform under linux:
bzip2 -cd v2.0.4_en_US.ddimg.bz2|dd of=/dev/sdX bs=4096
Edit[11/jul/2013] the sdcard version (sort of live-cd version): v2.0.4_en_US.sdcard.tgz
By default, it uses a 4GB sdcard; under linux, uncompress and as root: make DEV=/dev/sdX (X is the device letter of your sdcard)
If you want to change for a 8GB sdcard (you get more space for /sdcard), just change the symbolic link 'partitions.txt' to point to partitions_8GB.txt (rm partitions.txt && ln -s partitions_8GB.txt partitions.txt) before make.
1, solve network problems playback buffer Caton
2, restoring FireAir features, support multi-screen interactive
3, solve standby, the weather does not appear out of the issue
4, resolved after restart av audio output did not save the problem
5, solve AV display output standby, then start box , TV no display problem upgrade:
PhoenixCard image is flashed using this: PhoenixCardV306
Update: I have made a less crappy app in order to install gapps.zip: GappInstaller-1.1
You have to put gapps.zip on an external SDcard and launch this application.
- copied some app/apks (from v1.3.1 fw) in order to support gapps (not tested)
- copied Youtube apk from v1.3.1 fw
- added ES Explorer
- boot defaults to en_US
- deactivated /system/lib/hw/sensors.exDroid.so (fixes 100% system_server bug)
- added /etc/init.d capability
- added capability to install gapps if zip present in /mnt/sdcard, by a /etc/init.d script
- removed the Chinese applications (you can still find them in the original update.zip in system/preinstall and system/vendor/app, I kept Flash Player).
- added xpad.ko module (found here: MELE A1000 Hacking - XBOX 360 controller support in 3.0.8 kernel)
please can you give me check sum ?
RépondreSupprimerI sospect that my problem is a not correct download
Of course:
Supprimer51b3ae29b4eb7938c87548600016ea6a v2.0.4_en_US.img
WOW that was fast !!!
netflix is working? tengo el issue there is no video, only audio and subtitle
RépondreSupprimerCan you get a adb logcat output?
SupprimerThis could give a clue...
Hi i've tested the new firmware and I don't see difference. I just see some avi are still not working :(..
RépondreSupprimerIndeed, some avi files do not work with MXPlayer in H/W decoding ; if I set as S/W decoding it works quite well...
SupprimerThe stock player has no option to choose H/W or S/W decoding.
I'll test it, the problem with the MXplayer is the remote control, it doenst work :(
SupprimerYou can try the super remote control from your phone: http://tmerle.blogspot.fr/2013/04/mele-mobile-phone-remote-control.html
SupprimerYou can try the super remote control from your phone: http://tmerle.blogspot.fr/2013/04/mele-mobile-phone-remote-control.html
SupprimerYes, I've tested, but not using the MXplayer.
SupprimerDo u have skype account?
I've tested the MX player, and i also did the suggestion you had told me and it worked fine :)..
SupprimerSo some videos should be played in tvd & others in mx haha..
I've send a mail to mele (on facebook) and they answer me mele a1000/2000 are EOL ¬¬... they only work with A1000G.. assholes ¬¬
SupprimerThat's not surprising me, sadly.
SupprimerI just tested a Uhost ICS firmware: U1A-404.000.10.121024 and with some tunings, it looks good. It looks like the Mele v1.3.1 firmware but it is able to play mp4 files and has google play integrated. Audio/video output selection is not possible (but you can select HDMI mode).
Hi Thierry.
SupprimerYou're wright. I have tested this firmware and it seems good. The problem is that it does not support ethernet connection. May be replacing the script.bin with mele's one can resolve the problem, but don't know how to do it.
If you are able to replace the script.bin, please take this one for UHost firmware:
Put it in on the /dev/block/nanda partition as script.bin
I have used the mele_flash_kitchen to add the script.bin provided in this link that it does not change anything. When replaced with the mele's one, the result img does not install.
SupprimerOops sorry, I published the original U1A script.bin.
SupprimerHere is the fixed one:
11a2f80bd121c9b2a672f5c1af21fbbc script_U1A.bin
In fact I modified just some parts of the U1A script.bin to make the Ethernet work.
Ce commentaire a été supprimé par l'auteur.
RépondreSupprimerI installed, reinstalled, factory reset, ...
RépondreSupprimerIf I connect to the internet (Wifi for me), the Melelauncher keeps crashing and coming back every second.
Do you know what I can do ?
The MeleLauncher dont crash if you set chinese for the system language. From that moment the Weather widget displays some information.
RépondreSupprimerIf I switch back to English, the MeleLauncher crashes, and I can see that the weather widget display a question mark.
How can I disable this weather widget ?
I saw some complaints on the Mele forums about the weather widget, but as far as I know, you cannot disable/configure this widget.
SupprimerI don't have any crash, but I am connected via Ethernet (my main interest in this HTPC device).
You can install APEX Launcher as a replacement launcher:
After installation, press the Home button, select APEX launcher.
That's a bad workaround but you should get rid of crashes by avoiding Mele launcher...
i downloaded several youtube 4.1.23 from internet. Any of them works. The banner "Unfortntly youtube has stopped"
RépondreSupprimerCan you write a link to a working version?
For example this one:
It fails to start correctly the home page for me, but it works if you go through the browser (or click on "Browse" before the home page is loaded).
I tried the v.2.0.4 and works fine but I can not install gapps google. Could tell me how to do it step by step.
RépondreSupprimerThank you very much and great work.
Put the GappInstaller and http://goo.im/gapps/gapps-ics-20120429-signed.zip on a sdcard, on the device launch ESexplorer, copy gapps zip file on sdcard, install and launch GappInstaller and choose the gapps zip file on /sdcard, then button 'install'.
SupprimerI am not satisfied of this method but it works even if you get FC popups.
Hello! Can you create dd'able image for linux users?
RépondreSupprimerOf course:
hey there,
RépondreSupprimerdid anyone yet try an xbmc build like this one ?
was thinking of trying it this weekend since i hope they manage cedarv a bit better now.
SupprimerI tested xbmc in the standard´s android on Mele A200. The UI itself was ok but the mkv play was terrible slow.
After experimenting with debian and having wrong colors in xbmc and no cvbs output, i thought of updating to the 2.0.4 mele firmware.
RépondreSupprimerIf i start video´s they start hanging every few seconds, generally everything runs very well and is responsive no major issues in the player exept the hanging video´s making the box unusable, i will go back to 2.0.3 i guess.
Anyone else got issues with the video hanging ?
greetings and thx for the images
RépondreSupprimerThe "ddable" image of for booting from sdcard or directly install?
No. the dd-able image is just the same as the PhoenixCard image, but that can be burnt under linux using the dd utility (bzip2 -cd image.ddimg.bz2|dd of=/dev/sdX), or under Windows using winimage.
SupprimerThe result will be a sdcard that will flash the firmware in nand.
If you are interested in the Android on sdcard image (without any nand flash), I can generate it.
Thierry, thanks a lot for your work, I'm using your mod of 2.0.4 and finally I'm quite satisfied with the device. Would you be so kind to generate live-SD image for people to try the firmware? I published a link to this thread on Russian gadget forum but many users there use old 1.x firmwares by IconBit and Digma. A live image would be very nice for evaluation without flashing.
RépondreSupprimerOf course, here it is:
Uncompress, then as root: make DEV=/dev/sdX
By default it takes a 4GB sdcard.
If you want to change for a 8GB sdcard (you get more space for /sdcard), just change the symbolic link 'partitions.txt' to point to partitions_8GB.txt (rm partitions.txt && ln -s partitions_8GB.txt partitions.txt) before make.
-I just discovered the 'spam' category for comments in blogger; your comment was in this category, sorry for others I did not answer-
Hi Thierry i tryed to download the live-sd but im getting " The file link that you requested is not valid. " when i press download button.
SupprimerBy the way im getting some "input/output error" for files on the /data partition (nothing critical yet) ¿is there a way to check the partition ? i tried e2fsck but i couldnt force to check the mounted partition .
Indeed, my 4shared account has been blocked due to copyright infringement on "partitions_4GB.txt" (the partition map I wrote for formatting 4GB sdcards).
SupprimerI contacted 4shared support to cancel that... If this is not quickly solved, I will upload the sdcard image on another storage provider.
OK, I uploaded the file here:
For your /data issue, you can try the sdcard version, and run e2fsck from there...
Thanks !!! I'll try that when i get home .
SupprimerCe commentaire a été supprimé par l'auteur.
SupprimerThank a lot , i run e2fsck from the live-sd on the nande partition and all wrong inodes where fixed
RépondreSupprimerGood. You did e2fsck on /dev/block/nande. You have the nand names in this post: http://tmerle.blogspot.fr/2012/11/handling-nand-flash-to-saverecover-data.html
RépondreSupprimerI experienced same issues, leading sometimes to complete boot failures. The sdcard-live version comes to be very handy, even for regular use.
Never used Linux before, would mind write a step by step for sdcard version please?
the sdcard version (sort of live-cd version): v2.0.4_en_US.sdcard.tgz
By default, it uses a 4GB sdcard; under linux, uncompress and as root: make DEV=/dev/sdX (X is the device letter of your sdcard)
1)how to "uncompress" and where to "uncompress"?
2)how to run "make DEV=/dev/sdX" and where to run from?
Thank you!
1) : tar xvf /path/to/v2.0.4_en_US.sdcard.tgz
Supprimer2) To determine the device corresponding to you sdcard, insert it, and run lsblk.
You will have an output like this:
bash-4.2$ lsblk
sda 8:0 0 123,4G 0 disk
├─sda1 8:1 0 8G 0 part /
├─sda2 8:2 0 1K 0 part
├─sda3 8:3 0 31,1G 0 part
sdb 8:16 0 456,7G 0 disk
└─sdb1 8:17 0 456,7G 0 part
sdc 8:32 1 7,4G 0 disk
└─sdc1 8:33 1 7,4G 0 part
In my case, my 8GB sdcard is recognized as "sdc" so I must perform:
cd sdcard
make DEV=/dev/sdc
After tyoe make DEV=/dev/sdc, gor error message like these:
Supprimer./mkA10card.sh "" /dev/sdc
Usage: ./mkA10card.sh [-b]
-b: blank partition before writing (use for dd-able sdcard image creation)
make: *** [all] Error 1
Hi Thierry,
RépondreSupprimerI have a problem in my A2000G and I'll be very grateful if you could help me. When I play movies, even the audio file with 5.1 channels AC3 or DTS will be played in just 2.0 channel stereo. How do I play 5.1 audio channels, have some way to do this?
In the audio configuration is AUDIO_HDMI, does calling the optical audio output and selecting the audio S / PDIF I can play the audio in 5.1 channel ... ?
Thank you!
SupprimerWell, I never paid attention to 5.1 audio output.
You mean you want to perform audio pass-through over HDMI?
I found a post related to this:
Another technical post shows that hardware may be capable:
"I2S / PCM controller with support for I2S 8 channels out, 2 channels in
(4 data lanes out, 1 data lane in)."
I guess this is only an audio routing issue, but no clue to solve that yet...
Hi Thierry, when i tried to install google the device set off when i reboot. What happens?
RépondreSupprimerStrange... did you wait for the device to reboot by itself?
SupprimerAll in all, this is not the way we should install the google apps.
Perhaps you could get a clue by reading the adb logcat output from a PC.
Hi Thierry,
RépondreSupprimerI tried your SDCard version.
1) My sh binary on Ubuntu 10 rejected function format_partition in script mkA10card.sh. I removed word "function" and everything worked. In the manual here http://steve-parker.org/sh/functions.shtml there's no keyword "function" for sh so I believe it's better to remove it.
2) File /media/system/lib/libopera.so seem to be excessive if a user doesn't use Opera. It's better to have it in the app's data folder anyway.
I improved mkA10card.sh:
Supprimer# function was not recognized by some sh binaries
# more user-friendly (prints messages and exits on error)
# partitions are zeroed before formatting (GREATLY increases compression if you dump the image to a file)
# "sdcard" partition is called SD instead of UDISK
You can check it here https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B-IhlZyQn8xkRU5jdlVSZE1pbWs&usp=sharing
Thanks for the modifications. Zeroing partitions: do you mean you provide a dd-able image of this sdcard version?
SupprimerIn that case, you need to zero more that 3 blocks of 16MB to have the best compression results, but will take more time. Best is to implement an option to the script to do that on user request only.
1) indeed, /bin/sh points to something different depending on the linux distribution.
2) well, libopera.so was included in the original v2.0.4 firmware; I did not pay attention to extra libs included in this firmware.
Yes, I did zeroing in order to make dd-able image; without zeroing an archive was ~3Gb and with it became ~100Mb.
Supprimer"In that case, you need to zero more that 3 blocks of 16MB to have the best compression results"
Ouch! Bad consequences of copypasting :). Of course "count" parameter is unnecessary there. Regarding the option, you're right but i'm not an expert in *nix and just thought that if someone has managed to launch *nix he would manage to comment that line before executing :).
Do you plan to check 2.0.5? It has been released recently.
OK, I will enhance the script, and release a new version of the kitchen.
Supprimerv2.0.5: currently testing. I will post new firmware images within this day.
The sdcard version is here: http://www.4shared.com/file/6aFYUect/v205_en_USsdcard.html
SupprimerPhoenixCard img will come shortly (I made also copy-paste errors), I need time to generate and upload the images... sorry!
Argh, I made some little mistakes: the gappinstaller "install" button does not work and I thought the download status issue would be solved by replacing DownloadProvider.apk by a standard one (due to that, the launcher's download status does not work anymore).
SupprimerI will fix that and re-generate the sdcard version... and the others.
Fixed. The sdcard version:
12802150333d14318f653ef4124bbc66 v2.0.5_en_US.sdcard.tgz