samedi 5 janvier 2013

Mele_HTPC_20121220_V1.3 en_US img+sdcard version

2 versions:
- 1 flasheable using PhoenixTools here: Mele_HTPC_20121220_V1.3_en_US_Apex.img
         or dd-able image: Mele_HTPC_20121220_V1.3_en_US_Apex.ddimg.bz2
- 1 SDCard version: sdcard_Mele_HTPC_20121220_V1.3.tar.bz2.
Choose your flavor...

Next, you can install gapps.
You just have to put in /mnt/sdcard the gapps .zip file found here:, and reboot (download from a PC, put it on a external sdcard, copy with the file manager).

The script in /etc/init.d (here: 10update_gapps) will scan at boot and install gapps if present.

In the case of SDCard version, you have to put the gapps zip file in the last partition (named UDISK, /dev/sdx10)

In details, what is modified in this firmware from the original version (Mele_HTPC_家庭版_20121220_正式版_v1.3):
- boot defaults to en_US
- deactivated /system/lib/hw/ (fixes 100% system_server bug)
- added /etc/init.d capability
- added capability to install gapps if zip present in /mnt/sdcard, by a /etc/init.d script
- added APEX Launcher as default launcher (found here: Apex Launcher)
- added Andrew patch 2.0.apk as preinstalled app (found here:
- added ES Explorer as preinstalled app (found here: Download)
- added xpad.ko module (found here: MELE A1000 Hacking - XBOX 360 controller support in 3.0.8 kernel)

Specifically in the SDCard version:
- tuned /etc/vold.fstab so that sdcard is correctly mounted.
- in first partition, you will find uEnv_recovery.txt that boots on the SDCard, recovery mode. Just replace in the first partition uEnv.txt by uEnv_recovery.txt and you will boot into recovery. Replace by uEnv_normal.txt and you will boot in normal mode.
- added recovery partition (/dev/sdX7)