I managed to automate the creation of a SDCard bootable version from a stock Android image, under linux.
Of course you will lose your data on SDCard, and you may lose data from your computer if you don't care enough about this infamous X letter!
As an example, here is the latest firmware from Mele (20 December 2012) on which I just modified the partition names (SDCard instead of NAND), changed the default language, and added the /etc/init.d stuff :
- get this: sdcard_Mele_HTPC_20121220_V1.3.tar.bz2
- get a 8GB SDCard (not less, the partitions are created depending on this minimal size)
- uncompress the above archive,
- as root, check the SD-Card device number (/dev/sdX), and perform: make DEV=/dev/sdX
- Optionally, mount /dev/sdX1 to edit uEnv.txt that contains the MAC address. Set it to your usual MAC address if needed.
- Once done, put this SDCard into your device, power-on and enjoy.
The original firmware is here: Mele_HTPC_家庭版_20121220_正式版_v1.3
- A slow SDCard gives slow boot process. A Class 10 SDCard gives good results.
- This SDCard image won't modify the flashed firmware, you can revert to your NAND image simply by removing the SDCard, and rebooting.
The details on what it does
The process is quite simple:
1/ create partitions on SDCard
2/ format partitions
3/ fill the partitions with the interesting things (extracted from the Mele firmware).
Mandatory modifications from the original firmware are the nandX->mmcpblk0pX stuff in order to work properly, and to avoid this SDCard firmware to corrupt the flashed firmware .
You can easily modify the created partitions' content for customization.