Mele flash kitchen for ICS, here: mele_flash_kitchen_2.tgz
This runs only on linux (Slackware, but should work on Ubuntu and so on).
It is based on the A10 flash kitchen v2, with adaptations to run on linux, and based on this topic on Miniand
I have chosen to strip down this kitchen into a packer_ics only version for Mele since this is the one I was interested in.
You still need Windows to flash on SDcard the resulting output.img, using Phoenixcard (the only tool that I was not able to run under linux with wine)
My scripts are derived from the .bat scripts found in A10 flash kitchen (e.g. extract_image.bat is now that run under Windows, but I feel safe to perform all the required operations in only one operating system.
You will find a README.txt at the root directory of the extracted archive.
v2: I added the sdcard bootable kitchen.
After having put the original.img file (PhoenixCard source image), run "make build_sdcard" as root and it should create everything needed to generate the sdcard bootable image in sdcard/
Then, you will have to cd sdcard/ , then run make DEV=/dev/sdX (where X is the device letter of your sdcard).
Read this post for more information on that: Booting the Android ICS system from SDCard
wine, in order to extract/build the flash image.
root access, for scripts other than
The script will create /system in your root directory. This is necessary if you make symbolic links in "system" filesystem.
Of course, you need an original image (that you will rename as original.img) to start hacking.
Many thanks to Sztupy for the A10 flash kitchen, and to Miniand Tech for the detailed tutorial!